A rose that never had the chance to bloom
Finding Zoe - By Paula Jackson
"Finding Zoe" is a true story about how Paula Jackson traced the burial-place of Zoe Gentle over forty years after her birth and subsequent death. Paula explains about her growing feelings for Zoe and what she did next including; the founding of the "Brief Lives - Remembered" campaign and the setting up of a children's remembrance book.
The book also includes:
Testimonies from families who have also traced their baby's grave.
guidelines for tracing a baby's grave.
Ideas for ways to acknowledge and remember your baby.
"Finding Zoe" is a resource for Sands (Stillbirth and neonatal death charity) and has been endorsed by TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Births Association). "Finding Zoe" is available for £6.95 from Sands at: https://shop-sands.org.uk/
This is an inspiring story about the search for baby Zoe a twin who died at birth and whose brother in Australia finds peace forty years on, after the steadfast endeavours of the author to mark Zoe's Life and death, the special bond that always exists with twins.
Keith Read Director TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Births Association)