Our Sister
Today would have been so wonderful to see you smile.
But heaven lent you to this world for a short while.
And in that short time, you brought along such love.
And all that love is now in heaven with me above.
Your leaving caused us so many tears and such pain.
But God needed one more angel, so he took you back again.
I didn't get to see your face, your eyes open or your smile.
What it would have meant to see you for a while.
Hopes and dreams silently kept for a sister loved and never met.
No farewell words were spoken, no time to say goodbye.
You were gone before we knew it and only god knows why.
A tiny flower lent, not given, not given.
To bud on earth and bloom in heaven.
A gift for such a little while, your loss just seems so wrong.
You should not have left before us, it's with loved ones you belong.
Don't cry because she's gone, smile because she was here.
An angel in the book of life wrote down your birth.
And whispered as she closed the book, to beautiful for earth.
Our beautiful baby sister lies here asleep.
A precious angel we could not keep.
Our hearts are broken our tears still wet.
Author unknown