We Remember..... March
Baby Develin - Stillborn 1st March 1977 - I never held you in my arms, Michelle. There was nothing but my memories of carrying you and a record card, which I treasure. Not a day goes by when you are not thought of. We love you and you will always be in our hearts and remembered. Love always from mummy and daddy and your brother and sister, Stuart and Danni. xxxx
Emma Louise Rogers - Stillborn 1st March 1980 - Dear Emma miss you every day . Love you lots. Love Mum and Dad x
Simon James Lashford - 2nd March 1979 - You were only here but for a while. We never even saw you smile. But in our hearts you'll always be our darling baby boy. And Jesus said Suffer the little children to come unto me for there in the kingdom of heaven. God Bless Mum & Dad
David Bridge - Stillborn 3rd March.1964 - Always loved and always remembered x
Carol Ann Craddock - 10th March 1953 - Never known but always remembered.
Katie Marie Hancock- Stillborn 12th March 1983 - I never got to see you, hold you, say goodbye to you or tell you I love you and how much I miss you. Your Daddy, big sister and big brother love and miss you too. I will never forget you my darling baby girl and there will always be an empty place in my heart, love from Mummy
Baby Henton - 14th March 1975 - Never known, but never forgotten.
Baby Mayer - Stillborn 16th March 1978 - Always loved and never forgotten
Patrick Maloney - Born & Died 16th March 1975 - Always in my thoughts, and forever in my heart. Mummy will never forget you. X
Katie Rowley - Born & Died 16th March 1985 - Loved and missed everyday.
Darya Kubiw – 18th March 1957 - Your little heart stopped beating on the same day you were born. A treasured sister I never knew and my parents never brought home. It broke our hearts and left an unspoken empty space in our lives. You are safe in God’s arms, little angel, and we will be reunited one day. So much love for you, Iryna
John Brian Murphy - Born & Died 20th March 1974 - My beloved son John, 44 years ago, I lost you. I didn't get to hold you, tell you how much I love you and to be with you at the end of your short life. I think of you every day and I can't wait for the day when I can finally hug and kiss you. All my love my son, your mummy.
Katie Barton - Stillborn 20th March 1982.- Our first child who is always in our thoughts and much loved. Mummy and Daddy xxxx
Baby Claydon - Born & Died 21st March 1974 - My beautiful darling baby boy. You were wanted so much. I have never stopped loving you my darling and never will you are with me always, all my love forever, Mummy xxx
Abigail Watkins - Stillborn 21st March 1976 - In memory of my darling baby girl Abigail, l was not allowed to hold you in my arms , they were very cruel in those days , but l hold you in my heart forever x fly high with the angels darling x mummy loves you xxx
Kirstie McNally - Stillborn 22nd March 1988 - There isn't a day I don't think about her. love u forever Mummy xxxx
Patrick White - Born 24th March 1971 & Died 30th March 1971 - Always in our hearts little brother.
Baby Woolf - Stillborn 25th March 1972 - Never seen but never forgotten. Always remembered and always loved.
Laura Theaker - Stillborn 26th March 1980. - Twin sister to James David. I have loved and missed you always. Looking forward to visiting your resting place soon. Mum x